Palm Pre comes in June

One of the biggest breaking News this year on the smartphone sector was the introduction of Palm’s new Smartphone Palm Pre.

Sprint Nextel and Palm announced on Tuesday an official release date and pricing for the Palm Pre. The Pre will be available in the US nationwide on June 6 for $199.99 after a $100 mail-in rebate and with a two year contract with Sprint. Unfortunately Palm gave no release date for the Pre in Europe.

The launching date is very interesting because two days later Apple will probably gave some Infos about the new iPhone generation. So what would you do? Wait for the Infos of the new iPhone or buy the Palm Pre?

I think the new Palm Pre will rock the smartphone world and Apple has to close up with the new iPhone. They implemented some really cool features in their new WebOS Operating System and continued the feature line Apple started with his iPhone OS.

Here you get a short summary about the Palm features.

Here are some more Infos at

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